- Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing: A center dedicated to providing education, research information, financial aid, and advocacy for children and adults with hearing loss. agbell.org
- Deafplanet.com: A site for children and teens who are Deaf or have hearing loss to learn ASL through games, videos and more. deafplanet.com
- Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI): Laws and voluntary compliance programs for newborn screening of hearing loss prior to hospital discharge. State and federal information regarding laws and hearing screening, and recommendations, can be found on the website. asha.org/Advocacy/federal/Early-Hearing-Detection-and-Intervention
- Hands & Voices: A non-profit, parent-driven organization dedicated to supporting families of children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Provides communication methodology recommendations, and the organization has many local chapters comprised of mainly parents and professionals. handsandvoices.org
- John Tracy Clinic: A non-profit organization that provides parent-centered services to young children with hearing loss including pediatric audiologic evaluations, counseling services, patient education, auditory verbal preschool, and professional education in partnership with the Mount Saint Mary’s University Los Angeles. jtc.org
- My Baby Has A Hearing Loss: A Starting Guide for Parents: A 2014 guide written by the California Academy of Audiology for parents who have a child with hearing loss. This guide addresses many common questions parents have and provides basic information about options for children with hearing loss. caaud.org/documents/2014/My_Baby_Has_a_Hearing_Loss_2014.pdf
- My Baby’s Hearing: Provides support via education, coping mechanisms, and parent-to-parent guidance for families and providers of babies with hearing loss. babyhearing.org
- National Center for Hearing Assessment and Management (NCHAM): A multidisciplinary center focused on the implementation and improvement of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) systems. infanthearing.org
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