- Starkey Hearing Foundation - Hear Now Program: Application-based program that provides digital hearing aids at low costs or free for low-income Americans. starkeyhearingfoundation.org/Hear-Now Email: [email protected] Phone: (800) 328-8602
- Lions Clubs - Hearing Aid Recycling Program: Provides affordable, refurbished hearing aids for individuals with limited financial services. members.lionsclubs.org/EN/serve/hearing/hearing-aid-recycling-centers.php Email: [email protected]
- The Hearing Foundation (Ear of the Lion): Provides affordable, refurbished hearing aids for individuals with limited financial services. Earofthelion.org Email: [email protected] Phone: (800) 327-8077.
- Social Security Disability Benefits are available through the U.S. Government for those who have a severe or profound hearing loss. An application is required. The amount you are eligible to receive through Social Security is based upon the earnings of the applicant, the applicant’s spouse, and/or the applicant’s parents. ssa.gov/disabilityssi
- Veterans and Active-Duty Military Service Members may be eligible for assistance with hearing aids and other hearing loss related services. military.com/benefits/veterans-health-care
- Better Hearing Institute: Guide to Financial Assistance for Hearing Aids: A guide put together by the Better Hearing Institute compiles a long list of financial assistance sources for financing hearing aids. If you are seeking assistance with purchasing hearing aids, we encourage you to review this document, as not all of the resources included there are included in this guide. betterhearing.org/sites/default/files/hearingpedia-resources/Financial_Assistance_for_Hearing_Aids.pdf Email: [email protected]. Phone: (202) 449-1100.
- AUDIENT: An Alliance for Accessible Hearing Care is an organization that helps low income people nationwide access quality hearing aids and related care at a significantly reduced cost. audientalliance.org Phone: 1-866-956-5400, ext. 2.
- Children of the Silent World: An organization that provides financial assistance to low-income families to help pay for hearing loss-related care. answers4families.org/family/grandparent-caregivers/health-care/funding-toolkit-parents/children-silent-world
- Foundation for Sight and Sound: A non-profit organization that provides hearing aid assistance to those in need. foundationforsightandsound.org
- HearingHealth4U: A program that provides quality new and used hearing aids at affordable prices. Email: [email protected]. Phone: (208) 724-3155. hearinghealth4u.org
- UnitedHealthcare Children’s Foundation: A non-profit organization that provides medical grants to help children gain access to health-related services not covered, or not fully covered, by their family’s commercial health insurance plan. uhccf.org Email: [email protected]. Phone: 1-855-MY-UHCCF
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