- University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Audiology Clinics and Cochlear Implant Center. San Francisco, CA. ucsfhealth.org/clinics/audiology Audiology Clinic Phone: (415) 353-2101. Cochlear Implant Center Phone: (415) 353–2464.
- UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital of Oakland. Oakland, CA and additional locations in Walnut Creek and Brentwood. childrenshospitaloakland.org Phone: (510) 428-3344.
- Stanford University Hospital Audiology. Palo Alto, CA and additional Bay Area locations. med.stanford.edu Phone: (650) 723-5281.
- Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford. Palo Alto, CA and additional Bay Area locations. stanfordchildrens.org/en/service/audiology Phone: (650) 498-HEAR (4327).
- California Ear Institute. Palo Alto, CA. californiaearinstitute.com Phone: (650) 494-1000.
- Sound Speech and Hearing Clinic: San Francisco, CA. soundshc.com Phone: (415) 580-7604.
- University of the Pacific San Francisco: San Francisco, CA. upacifichearing.com Phone: (415) 780-2001
- The Hearing and Speech Center of Northern California. San Francisco, CA. hearingspeech.org Phone: (415) 921-7658. TTY: (415) 921-8990.
- HearBright. San Jose, CA. http://www.hearbright.com/ Phone: (408) 358-5093
- The Hearing Center. San Jose, CA & additional Bay Area locations. thehearingcenter-ca.com/ Phone: (408) 600-0856
- Kaiser Permanente Hearing Centers. San Francisco, CA and additional Bay Area locations. kphearingcenters.com/practiceinfo.cfm/practiceid/60 Phone: (415) 833-8222. TTY: (415) 833-2400
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